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Al Gaddafi speaks...

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Welcome to AlGaddafi.orgالقذافي يتحدث - Muammar Al Gaddafi`s (  معمر القذافي  ) Official BACKUP website.  موقع القذافي الرسمي

Un site personnel..Un sitio web personal..Eine persoenliche Webseite .. Il sito personale..Site Pessoal, Ghadaffi official website, Kadhafi site officiel... Since Feb. 2007!

NEW - Read Below : YOUR Messages!


Did you know: 2008 - Muammar Gaddafi calling for the distribution of oil revenues directly to Libyans, and the dismantling of most of the ministries with retaining only the four of them : Defense and Security , Justice and Foreign Affairs. >>> Read More (English & Arabic) >>>

NOW: English.AlGaddafi.org fully available! > English.AlGaddafi.org >

NOW: Audio.AlGaddafi.org  available! > Audio.AlGaddafi.org >

"It is indeed no exaggeration to state that the so-called "New international Order" announced by George Bush during the Gulf war, will continue its efforts to wipe out "the civilized East" and attack Libya before the Arab world can recover from the "Iraqi-Kuwaiti" catastrophe, unless one of its European partners becomes conscious of the seriousness of America's intent in becoming the ruler of the new World Order. Unless this comes to pass, Europeans will soon have to bow down to American hegemony with no hope of release in the future, and the American strategic objectives will gain control over the natural resources of the South and impose total domination on all political systems."  = 2004 =

                                                                                                                                                             Read More at "The Campaign Against Libya"

Al Gaddafi was called "Mad Dog" by Ronald Reagan....

Reagan - in a rare moment.: "...He's pursuing a revolutionary cause that could affect a great many countries."

Abu Salim Prison:  The alleged Mass Graves of Abu Salim (Tripol, Libya) contain nothing but Camel Bones ...
- (c) Note: The content of this video is copyright by France 24  >>> Watch The Video >>> (All links open new windows)

Your Message(s) * 2018 *  THANK YOU! (Names are shortened for security!)



Mahmoud Mohammed

محمود محمد 

Peace be upon all liberals and all peace fighter for his freedom and the freedom of its homeland, Today we see the women, who signed for the Libyan people from history to history, such as the many known and unknown, record for them, and what happened to the honor of a free Arab leader, martyr Sayyid Muammar Gaddafi and what happened after his martyrdom to the wounded country of Libiamn before the Jews or the Arabs. Yes God always is bigger than the aggressor.  I am Arab. I love the leader and respect, respect for leadership. 

When he said "I am in the hearts of millions", he (Gaddafi) did not lie! He will remain in the hearts of millions forever.

 The leader of the Arab nation. They killed your body. Yet you rest, and your knowledge rest and the respect for you remain in the hearts of millions! Yours is the peace Muammar Gaddafi. Eyes full of tears in memory of the leader of Arab nationalism, from the people. Consider,  consider me one of the sons of Libya and peace be upon you and the mercy of God!

السلام على جميع احرار الجماهريه السلام على كل مناضل من اجل حريته وحرية وطنه اليوم نرى المؤمراه التي وقع بها الشعب اليبي من شراذم التاريخ امثال الكثير المعروف السجل الاسود لهم وما حصل لاشرف زعيم عربي حر السيد الشهيد الصايم معمر القذافي وما حصل بعد استشهاده للوطن الجريح ليبيامن قبل من اليهود ام العرب نعم الاثنين معا الله اكبر فوق كيد المعتدي نعم انا عربي احب الزعيم واحترمه احترام القاده عندما قال انا في قلوب الملايين لم يكذب ستبقى في قلوب الملايين الي الابد يا زعيم الامه العربيه لو قتلوا جسدك فكرك باقي وعلمك باقي وحترامك باقي في قلوب الملايين لك مني سلام يا معمر القذافي ان العين تدمع على فراقك يا امين القوميه العربيه اعتبروني من اهل ليبيا اعتبروني احد ابنائه والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله



It is essential to return (include) the rule of Saif al-Islam Gaddafi. It is essential that it will be the the sword of Islam (Translation of "Saif al Islam" (Gaddafi). His mind and presence is necessary in governance and the creation of a stable and changing system of government, to ensure the stability of (Lybia) and government on an ongoing basis.

من الضروري عودة حكم سيف الاسلام ومن الضروري ان اكون مع سيف الاسلام العقل ضروري في الحكم وخلق منظومة ثابتة ومتغيرة للحكم لضمان استقرار الحكم بشكل مستمر

Khaled Ali

خالد علي

We were and still are on the covenant

Peace be upon you and God's mercy and blessings I am the brother / Khaled Ali al-Hudairi from Ajdabia I was and still is and remains on the Covenant of the historic leadership of the commander of the United Nations Col. Muammar Gaddafi has left us a legacy of reference revolutionary and patriotism is not described and will never repeat the personality of the leader because he lived in the heart of Labib for the whole of the people and cited the principles 

He did not sell his land and did not accept compromises or concessions to the will of the West and his occupation of Libya. 

The truth is now clear from those who were blind to their eyes, and I am harsher than repeating the deal with those who were beside the leadership and those who left it in the days when Libya needed them and Gamal to negotiate with them. 

We warned against not returning to Iraq because those who sold Saddam Hussein were the same as those who traded in the power of the people and helped them because the history of the old and contemporary traders such as Dodh God bless you He has no other on his offer and his honor and they do not change it to their homeland, but their interests are personal above others and have been associated with the past period of candidacy from Ibrahim Boukhzam that Libya did not have for 42 years a constitution and is now a wise and sound sleep of the legislative committees and the legislative body in Libya, Wamina for Education formerly evil but There is no law No. 1 regulating the popular work of 1977 and the executive regulations for each sector. In the Penal Code of the 1950s, it was not repealed even under the shadow of the revolution of al-Fateh. 

And we hope to continue together because I want to join the revolutionary work and also for the application of the Green Book in its correct form as is the ideas of the historical leadership and raised by his school = =========== Forward and the The struggle of the revolution continues

كنا ولازلنا على العهد

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته انا الاخ/خالد علي الحضيري من اجدابيا كنت ولازلت وسابقى على العهد للقيادة التاريخية القائد الاممي العقيد معمر القذافي وقد ترك لنا ارث من مرجعية الثورية ووطنية لاوصف لها ولن تتكرر شخصية القائد ابدا لانه سكن في لب اللبيب للناس اجمع واستشهد على مبداه ولم يبع وطنه ولم يرضى مساومات او تنازل لارادة الغرب واحتلاله لليبيا ووتبين الحق من باطل الان للذين كانت على اعينهم غشاوة وانا احر من تكرار التعامل مع من كانوا بجانب القيادة ومن تركوه ايام كانت ليبيا بحاجة لهم ولامجال بالمساومة معهم لانهم ناس جوفا اصلهم ورصيدهم التاريخي صفر لانهم كانوا يفضلون مادة على البلاد وكنا ننصح بان لايتم معهم وقد واجهنا حربا شعوا ايام كنت بالعمل الشعبي 2007 وحذرت بان لاتكرر مساة العراق لان من باع صدام حسين هم نفسهم من كانوا يتجارون بقوت شعب ولانفع فيهم لان بتاريخ القديم ومعاصر تجار كمثل الديوث حشاكم الله الذي ليس له غيره على عرضه وشرفه وهم لاغيره لهم على وطنهم بل مصالحهم شخصية فوق الغير وقد تابعة بالمدة ماضية مارشح من ابراهيم بوخزام بان ليبيا لم يكن فيهم لمدة 42 سنة دستور وهل فطن الان صح نوم وصحصح الم يكون من اللجان التشريعية والجهة التشريعية بليبيا بمؤتمر شعب عام وامينا للتعليم سابقا شر بلية مايضحك الم يكون هناك قانون رقم-1-منظم للعمل شعبي من 1977م واللائحة التنفيذية لكل قطاع وفي قانونا للعقوبات من الخمسينات لم يلغى حتى بظل ثورة الفاتح وفي مفتاح المسوي تابعته بهذه مدة يتحدث كانه وصي كاحد الاوصياء على الليبين هو كان عبارة عن مترجم فقط نريد ان نبي بلادنا ونقدم نموذجا صادقا وصحيحا للبلاد لا ان نقع بفخ القطط السمان ونزواتهم النفعية لاخير في من خان مرة وقد سجلت بجبهة شعبية لتحير ليبيا ونامل تواصل معا لانني اريد الانضمام للعمل ثوري وايضا لاجل تطبيق الكتاب الاخضر بشكله صحيح كما هي بافكار قيادة تاريخية وتربينا بمدرسته ============ الى الامام والكفاح الثوري مستمر  

Why did US support UN initiative on Libya, Sep 28, 2017

(c) By independent investigative correspondent Adel Karim. (Submitted to Algaddafi.org) 

Sure you know, that the 72nd Regular Session of the UN General Assembly came to end. The UN envoy for Libya proposed a plan of actions, which was suspiciously supported by Wahington. 

I tried to analyse this step of the U.S. authorities and linked them to other attempts to interfere into the internal policy of Libya. Here I submitted my article hoping it would be interesting for your audience. U.S. and Gulf States Hinder Libyan Crisis Settlement The United Nations General Assembly, which kicked off on September 12 at the headquarters of the international organization in, New York has just ended. During the meeting, the priority was given to the issues of global security and combating terrorism. 

The settlement of crisis in Libya was also touched. On September 20, the UN envoy to Libya Ghassan Salame at a closed meeting proposed an action plan for resolving the Libyan conflict. Mr. Salame told journalists that the plan had been allegedly based on the needs of the Libyans who deserved the cessation of uncertainty and unpredictability. 

The plan for emerging the crisis implies amending the current Libyan Political Agreement (LPA), namely the reduction of Presidential Council to three members, forming new transitional government, holding a constitutional referendum and general parliamentary elections. Libya is still a fractured country after the beginning of hostilities, the military intervention by NATO states in 2011 and the following civil war. 

The Gaddafi's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya fell and the democracy promised by the western states has never been established in the country. Currently there are two key powers in Libya: Government of National Unity led by Fayez Al-Sarraj in Tripoli and the House of Representatives, which is allied with the powerful military commander Khalifa Haftar. 

Judging by the actions of the Western countries regarding Libya, there is no guarantee that the plan will be really focused on the needs of Libyans and could radically change the situation for the better. In its turn, Washington tries to pretend that it takes an active part in the further fate of the previously prosperous country. 

State Department spokesperson Heather Nauert stated that the United States has welcomed the September 20 United Nations announcement of an action plan to advance political reconciliation in Libya and help the Libyan people achieve lasting peace and security. Obviously, the presented document meets the financial interests of the White House. 

Moreover, America and its true allies are interested in establishing full control over natural energy resources, which Libya is rich in. The U.S. military intervention in Libya was essentially the beginning of profitable military campaign for Washington to seize Libyan 'black gold'. 

According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) data, after the beginning of the hostilities, the American oil imports from Libya increased approximately six-fold: from 3 thousand barrels in 2011 to 20 in 2012. This is just approximate figures, but the amount of cheap oil obtained by the U.S. will remain a mystery. 

The true attitude of the U.S. authorities towards the Libyan people is reflected in Donald Trump travel ban, which prohibits the entry for the citizens of Libya and five other Middle East countries, who are fleeing from hostilities and chaos. Apart from the western countries, the monarchies of the Persian Gulf, including Qatar, took part in the destabilization of Libya. 

This June, the Libyan army spokesman Colonel Ahmed Al-Mesmari presented video and audio evidence confirming Qatar's official involvement in financing and supporting terrorist groups. 

The Libyan army leadership also blamed Ali Sallabi, the spiritual leader of the Libyan opposition, for close ties with the Muslim Brothers and the Qatari Royal Family. 

Colonel Ahmed Al-Mesmari also presented evidence that the Qatari authorities initiated the dispatch of its army units on the territory of Libya to impose control over the oil-rich Mu'tika and Misurata areas. At the same time, Libya was used as a transit point for the Qatari military aviation delivering arms and weapons to Al-Qaeda and other terrorist groups in Syria. Obviously, the United States and its partners are doing their best to slow down the political settlement of Libyan crisis. 

Instead of concrete steps, they look for opportunities to legalize their actions and seize the natural resources of the former Jamahiriya. However, despite all the Western intrigues, the Libyan people are capable to resist any external threat independently.

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Muammar Al Gaddafi`s "Saroukh-el-Jamahiriya" The Libyan Rocket  

Libya - October 2009 ::::: Muammar Al Gaddafi designed a a sleek smart car, which actually is the safest vehicle on earth. Called the "Saroukh el-Jamahiriy" (Libyan Rocket)... >>> Learn More >>>

القذافي يتحدث

BabAljaz  >>> HERE <<<

Ukraine A Real Problem        > Украина – реальная проблема >>> Исходя из позиции, что в какой-то мере и доступными мне >>>
(Audio) - 6 min 1 sec - (English)
By Muammar Al Gaddafi ::::: Listen to Muamar Gadafi (English), what HE said about the problem - NOW in Ukraine! >>> Click Here >>>

صحيفة الجماهير

NEWS >>>

BBC to broadcast anti-Gaddafi documentary as Green Resistance progresses
30.01.2014 / 03.02.2014
BBC to broadcast anti-Gaddafi documentary as Green Resistance progresses. 

Two years after the passing of the leader of the Libyan Jamahiriya, Muammar Gaddafi, the war in Libya is far from over, and the NATO-installed government is not particularly doing well. Reports of the so-called Green Resistance - freedom fighters who support the People's Government which was established in Libya in 1977 - trying to liberate their country from the neocolonial government, are recently only growing stronger. At the same time, messages of the Green Flag of the Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya flying over a number of Libyan cities as well as over Libyan embassies in other countries, started to increase.

Storyville summarizes its latest propaganda piece:

"Colonel Gaddafi was called Mad Dog by Ronald Reagan. His income from oil was a billion dollars a week. He washed his hands in deer's blood. No other dictator had such sex appeal and no other so cannily combined oil and the implied threat of terror to turn Western powers into cowed appeasers.
Like other tyrants, Gaddafi used torture and murder to silence opposition, but what made his rule especially terrifying was that death came so casually. A man who complained that Gaddafi had an affair with his wife was tied between two cars and torn in half. On visits to schools and orphanages Gaddafi would tap underage girls on the head to show his henchmen which ones he wanted. They would be taken to his palace and abused. Young boys were held in tunnels under the palace."

Apparently, 27 months after Gaddafi's death, his idea of the Jamahiriya (government by the people) is still way too terrifying alive, and the powers responsible for his death see no other way to try to stop the return of the Jamahiriya than to once again thoroughly discredit its founder.

History has proven that it does not matter much if the level of propaganda reaches above and behind the hilarious, the fantastic and the bizarre. 

The majority believed that the German army cut off the hands of Belgian babies during WWI - which afterwards turned out to be a psyops hoax. 

The majority believed that Saddam Hussein's soldiers threw babies from their incubators in Kuwait - which afterwards turned out to be a psyops hoax. 

Why won't the majority believe that Muammar Gaddafi washed his hands in deer's blood, before and/or during and/or after he raped numerous young boys and girls? 

Like the king of propaganda, Joseph Goebbels, said: "If you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it, and you will even come to believe it yourself." ....

>>> Read More at Pravda Russia >>> (New window)

Isratine, and the ongoing murder of Palestinians

ISRATINE  (Israel & Palistine)

White Book (ISRATIN)

Muammar Al Gaddafi`s solution, to the ongoing killing of women and children in Palesine! 08.05.2003

This White Book aims at the achievement of a just and equitable solution to the chronic so-called Middle East Question, and to rid the region of the disastrous effects of violence, war and destruction. In doing so, it presents the problem in a serious, objective and neutral manner. The Book compiles views and concepts previously put forward by Arabs and Jews alike, in addition to international plans and projects for its solution. They all support and vindicate the solution propounded in this work. >>> Read More >>> .(new window)

Mandela & the Apartheid in South Africa

It's worth noting that even up until US president Ronald Regan, Apartheid in South Africa was supported, while Gaddafi fought since 1969 to end it. So would Mandela even want to have a cup of coffee with Obama? (June 2013, there was no meeting of Mandela & Obama in South Africa, and so not at any other time)  As a result of Obama's actions he watched his "brother" raped with a Kashelnikov, shot and bashed to death on tv.

Nelson Mandela on Muammar Al Gaddafi:

"The eventual collapse of the apartheid system owed much to contribution of Muammar Qaddafi and Libyan people.” Mandela went on to say that;

in the darkest moments of our struggle, when our backs were to the wall, it was Muammar Qaddafi who stood with us!” 

"Those who feel irritated by our friendship with brother leader Gaddafi can go jump in the pool."    

Nobody could ever possible devide Nelson Mandela and Muammar Al Gaddafi, as the western governments pretending now, after Mandela died!

29.06.2013 - Obama in South Africa. There has been NO meeting for OBAMA with NELSON MANDELA! Official explenation: "Nelson Mandelas HEALTH.. The TRUTH: Nelson Mandela DONT LIKE to see the person, who orderd the BOMBING of Libya and indirect MURDER of Al Gaddafi, a close personal friend to Nelson Mandela! *

How Do You Spell (  معمر القذافي  )Muammar Al Gaddafi?

HOW do YOU spell

Muammar Al Gaddafi ? ( معمر القذافي )

1) Muammar Qaddafi / 2) Mo'ammar Gadhafi / 3) Muammar Kaddafi/ 4) Muammar Qadhafi / 5) Moammar El Kadhafi . 6) Muammar Gadafi 7) Mu'ammar al-Qadafi / 8) Moamer El Kazzafi / 9) Moamar al-Gaddafi / 10) Mu'ammar Al Qathafi / 11) Muammar Al Qathafi

12) Mo'ammar el-Gadhafi / 13) Moamar El Kadhafi / 14) Muammar al-Qadhafi / 15) Mu'ammar al-Qadhdhafi / 16) Mu'ammar Qadafi / 17) Moamar Gaddafi / 18) Mu'ammar Qadhdhafi / 19) Muammar Khaddafi / 20) Muammar al-Khaddafi / 21) Mu'amar al-Kadafi / 22) Muammar Ghaddafy / 23) Muammar Ghadafi / 24) Muammar Ghaddafi / 25) Muamar Kaddafi / 26) Muammar Quathafi / 27) Mohammer Q'udafi / 28) Muammar Gheddafi / 29) Muamar Al-Kaddafi / 30) Moammar Khadafy / 31) Moammar Qudhafi / 32) Mu'ammar al-Qaddafi

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