Welcome to AlGaddafi.org - القذافي يتحدث - Muammar Al Gaddafi`s official website.
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Other BOOK`s by Al
In addition to the Green Book, Muammar Al Gaddafi is the author of a 1996 collection of short stories; "Escape to Hell" (English).
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Note: Al Gathafi org is now being re-build under the name Al Gaddafi org!(Online since 2007). The project will contain more than 1000 pages!AllGaddafi.org will be re-published in17 languages!Feel free and copy/record the audio speeches! Free! If wish, you may order a double DVD-Video with all speeches orAudio CD with all speeches in [*your] language. Please donate in that case (Postal Delivery Worldwide)
Our aim is to educate and inform about Muammar Al Gaddafi, as an African, who was a FREEDOM fighter and not the bad dictator! Find out yourself!
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AlGathafi.org MIRROR WEBSITE ***** First registration of the domain name;
www.AlGaddafi.org Feb 2007