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Other BOOK`s by Al
In addition to the Green Book, Muammar Al Gaddafi is the author of a 1996 collection of short stories; "Escape to Hell" (English).
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published in 2004 by World Islamic
Peoples Leadership)
A great number of observers and writers wrongly believed that the end of the Cold War and the great changes in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Republics would be reassuring to the American authorities and that they would relax and feel secure in the future of their status in the context of international relations and the new World order. Unfortunately, this has not been the case. America cannot maintain its dominant standing in a world where international relations lack the use of military force. An international community that seeks to establish relations governed by justice and law, equality of nations and peoples, multiple cultures and multiple civilizations and peaceful coexistence, on the basis of this plurality, implies some new criteria for distinction and differentiation other than that of a "comprehensive force." The standing of the United States would then recede, and the imperialist role it has played from the Yalta to the Malta Summits would disappear. Trying to sail against the tide of such major changes and seeking to confront a strangling internal economic and political crises, America and Britain exploited the Lockerbie crisis to shift attention to an external "enemy," Libya, and turn it into the scapegoat of their crises.
This was aided by the fact that over the past two decades their media had nurtured in the mind of the Western public opinion a picture of Libya as an enemy. The "Libyan" case is one of long standing in the American mind. It goes as far back as two centuries ago (1790) when the American navy had its first military confrontation in Libya on the shores of the Mediterranean. The statement of Secretary of State James Baker, at the Madrid Peace Negotiations about the historical considerations for the choice of Madrid as a venue for the conference, exposes the "history" which American political forces are trying to fabricate so as to justify its hijacking of the European will.
Ultimately, the confrontation between the imperialist West and Libya is due to the fact that they stand at opposite poles in their international policies. The crises that emerge from time to time in their relations are but a reflection of a conflict which extends far beyond Libya and the Arab context, to cover a vast area of the planet. At its roots, is the fact that the mainstays of the external policy of America, the Leaders of the West, do not stop at economic hegemony but seek cultural, ideological, and societal uniformity in addition to political and military subjugation. On the other hand, the official Libyan policy is based on the conviction that NATO, under the leadership of America, is the root of the problems of the world. It has the upper hand on the economic affairs of the world and seeks political and military domination of all its countries.
While the Libyan position is in direct opposition to that of the United States, and has always been condemned and denounced by America, it is truly difficult to identify a single act of Libya that led the Western capitals to the brink of such madness. Whatever Tripoli did it has been nothing more than an undrstandable attempt to counter colonial schemes: attempts at achieving "ideological dissimilarity"; repeated calls for Arab unity; opposition to the colonization of Palestine; endeavors to control oil prices through a production ceiling at OPEC; assistance for national liberation movements; support for the just causes of the peoples of the Third World struggling against colonialism; rejection of the policy of military bases and alliances; and refusal to submit to the U.S. claims on its territorial waters in the Mediterranean.
Nevertheless, the policies of the Jamahiriya were, and still are, in the context of NATO strategy, "a zone of tension" that threatens the interests of the major powers on its designs in the "Third World." This was, and is, the basis of the hostile attitude of Western media toward Libya, and of the economic, political, and military boycott imposed on it. This, in addition to attempts to provoke it into a military confrontation with its neighbours in the region and with American forces culminated in such incidents as the air raid of 1986, in which 170 military planes bombed Tripoli and Benghazi.
It is important, at this point, to expressly mention some points which highlight the covert dimensions of the on-going crisis:
The accusations levelled coincided precisely with the expected stalemate of the so-called peace negotiations in the Middle East. They were partly aimed at preventing Libya from influencing the Arab world, whether at the level of the average Arab person, the Palestinian organizations, or the radical parties which endorse the Libyan position against Israel. On Libya's side, there was a need to divert the attention of Libyan Arab public opinion, the League of Arab States, and several Arab countries, and make attempts at countering the accusations and ready the Nation to repel any possible aggression.
Meanwhile, other Arab and international parties would meet in Moscow to consider the steps to be taken to normalize relations between Tel Aviv and an untold number of Arab capitals, while Syria, Lebanon, and Palestine were boycotting the negotiations. The absence of Libya greatly curbed the expected Arab reaction against the multi-party negotiations which flagrantly bypassed the problem of the occupied Arab territories and addressed themselves to what is more harmful and dangerous than "Camp David". The timing of these events was deliberately planned by America.
After the success of the
dangerous encounter with Iraq, and the West had rid itself of the
problem of Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union, and was envisaging
a new decade during which the major powers could again overtly
apply a policy of heavy artillery to repress their opponents in the
world, the United States, which had viewed the United Nations as a
mere arena for its confrontation with the Soviet Union, turned to
the United Nations to exploit its organs, and provide international
legitimacy for its aggression. What rendered the situation even
more complex is that America wished to rid itself definitively of
the "concept of balance" that prevailed during its conflict with
Moscow. It was no longer satisfied with partial success, namely,
that its conflicts with Libya would culminate into a stalemate or
balance of power.
What America and its NATO allies continue to seek is the eradication of the Libyan revolution through the use of force, and total dominance of the new World order.
It would be opportune to recall what the French journalist Jean Lacouture wrote when commenting on the American decision to raid North Vietnam in 1966:
"The Americans believe that they have the absolute right to attack any place at any time if they so wish, as if the whole world was a prey of America, which would impose its domination, organize it in accordance with its supreme wisdom and subject it to the control of American forces."
A crucial element of the conflict in recent years is that the United States and Britain stand at the threshold of a crippling internal economic and political crisis, and there is an imperative need for them to draw attention to an external enemy to make it the scapegoat of this current crisis. In addition, both nations are seeking to prolong the life of NATO, although there is no longer any justification for its existence.
NATO is essential to America to maintain its hegemony over Europe and to halt European unity, or at least impede it by concocting an alternate enemy and a looming danger to compensate for the absence of a Soviet danger. This time, it is the Arabs and their societal and spiritual guide, Islam.
It is indeed no exaggeration to state that the so-called "New international Order" announced by George Bush during the Gulf war, will continue its efforts to wipe out "the civilized East" and attack Libya before the Arab world can recover from the "Iraqi-Kuwaiti" catastrophe, unless one of its European partners becomes conscious of the seriousness of America's intent in becoming the ruler of the new World Order. Unless this comes to pass, Europeans will soon have to bow down to American hegemony with no hope of release in the future, and the American strategic objectives will gain control over the natural resources of the South and impose total domination on all political systems.
Unit of Political and Strategic Studies of The Islamic World studies Centre.
(1st published in 2004 by World Islamic Peoples Leadership)
Other Books by Al Gaddafi: "Escape to Hell"
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