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Analysis of the Results of a Questionnaire on Corruption in the Regime's Apparatus, State Institutions, and People's Organizations in Libya, 2006
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Analysis of the Results of
a Questionnaire on Corruption in the Regime's Apparatus, State
Institutions, and People's Organizations in Libya, 2006
Jointly by Departments of Research and Studies of Organization for
Transparency Libya, Libya Human and Political Development Forum,
March. 2007
Naturally there are a variety
of definitions for corruption, all of which agree that it consists
of a breach in the law and order, by either misusing their absence,
or, lacking of commitment to them, with the purpose of gaining some
personal or group interests in political, economic, or social
fields. It is also rational to view the phenomenon of corruption as
a behavior that violates the official duties of a public office
with the purpose of achieving personal (material or moral) gains.
Therefore, in this report, corruption is dealt with as an illegal
act as defined by Transparency International: "Any act that
involves abuse of a public office with the purpose of gaining some
personal interest for the abuser or his/her group." Corruption may
sometimes cause damage (material or moral) to public interest.
Furthermore, it is an immoral and non-patriotic act.
The overall concept of managerial and financial corruption
encompasses all illegal acts that may violate the state laws and
regulations. They include all acts that sustain the purpose of
achieving personal gains to the detriment of public interest. Some
examples include the misuse of public property, the acceptance of
bribes, gifts, or grant, regard of favoritism or nepotism, and
disregard of competence and equal opportunities, in employing as
well as the embezzlement of millions in the form of commissions,
deals, contracts, and large financial agreements.
First, a note should be made of the extreme difficulty we faced in
observing events to reach the facts and positions hidden behind
them, not to mention acquiring documented statistics from Libyan
official sources. Based on our complete conviction that the right
to know and the right to have access to information are among the
basic rights guaranteed by all international pacts and charters, we
have designed a questionnaire on corruption in Libya with the
intention to publish our results on our sites and via all means of
electronic dissemination. The World Proclamation of Human Rights
and the International Pact on civil and political rights (Article
19 of both the Proclamation and the Pact), emphasize these rights.
Because freedom of opinion and the right to have access to
information and to publish them are interrelated, our questionnaire
was the best ‘available’ alternative. It should be admitted that
the electronic questionnaire cannot be equal to a scientific
questionnaire with all its requirements. Nonetheless, we found it
to be sufficient for us to complete our report, with some extent of
objectivity, based on documented statistics, numbers, and
The Libyan authorities ' policies have always consisted of imposing
absolute control of information, especially the various forms of
media. For the past three decades, the media has been characterized
by a total lack of independence, competence and transparency,
completely absent of what we may call 'free press.' It is true that
a number of websites have appeared inside Libya and timidly
revealed some aspects of corruption. Yet, despite the fact that
Libya has the professional efficacies needed to handle these issues
with a great deal of courage and investigational spirit, these
websites seem to have been serving some private agendas. Moreover,
the lack of any legal guarantees makes the opening of certain files
seem like some sort of insanity. In view of all these aspects, the
initiative to design and disseminate this questionnaire seems like
a rational and practical procedure. The questionnaire has been
designed in a manner that suits the purpose and nature of the data
needed. The facility of data entry and electronic preparation has
also been taken into consideration.
The questionnaire has been disseminated via email. Then, it was
published on the main pages of , , ,
and other Libyan websites have also published the link to
participate in the questionnaire for various periods of time.
The initial reading, which encompassed 500 respondents, included
the following basic information about the respondents: sex, age,
social status, number of family members, residency region,
educational level, and profession/craft.
The results of the personal information came as follows:
As expected, men's participation was 90.02 percent; women. 9.98
percent, less than the percentage targeted.
The age category 36-43 had the most respondents (37.40 percent);
followed by the category 26-35 (35.6 percent); then came the
category 46-55 (16.06 percent); then, the category 16-25 (7.32
percent); and finally, the category above 55 years of age (0.7
Most of the respondents were married (62.20 percent); then, singles
(33.13 percent); then, divorcees (3.25 percent); and finally the
widowed (1.42 percent).
The greater part of the respondents (43.94 percent) belonged to
middle-size families (3-5 members); followed by (36.15 percent) of
larger-size families (more than 5 members); followed by (19.91
percent) of small-size families (less than 5 members).
Within the Category of the residency region, the greater proportion
was from the western region (50.52 percent); then the eastern
region (32.51 percent); then, the central region (11.18 percent),
then, the southern region (4.35 percent), then the oases region
(4.35 percent).
The respondents' educational level displayed a link between
participation in the questionnaire and access to computers and the
Internet. So, the category of educated persons came first and
foremost. The proportion of those with university degrees and
higher was the highest (44.44 percent); followed by those in higher
education (38.27 percent); then those with high school degrees
(13.99 percent); then those with a pre-high school education (3.92
The category of profession/specialty/craft represented the
structure of the Libyan society. Public sector (or government)
employees came first (43.12 percent); then private sector employees
(23.48 percent); then retirees and the unemployed (16.19 percent),
which is close to the unemployment rate in Libya; then foreign
company employees (12.73 percent); then, students and trainees
(3.64 percent); while People's organizations' employees came last
(0.81 percent).
The preliminary reading of the results encompasses 500 respondents
representing a 'random' sample of Libyan citizens with access to
the Internet. However, the results were in proportion to the
structure of the Libyan society, except the rate of women compared
to that of men, which we hoped to be higher.
The questionnaire included specific questions on the following
aspects of corruption:
The most widespread fields of corruption in the state's and
society's institutions;
The most corruption-practicing elements of power;
The rate of increase or decrease of corruption in various forms in
various institutions;
The criteria and norms by which members of inspection committees,
public control, financial and bureaucratic accounting in the
state's institutions, are chosen;
The criteria and norms by which heads and members of the committees
assigned to revise and examine the forms of transparency presented
by the state's officials, are chosen;
The role the institutions of the state, government, and society
play in exposing and combating corruption;
The role the institutions of the state, government, and society
play in backing, protecting, or cajoling the symbols of
The spread of corruption in the state's institutions, public and
private sectors, firms, people's organizations, foreign companies,
and international agencies working in Libya;
The impact of the varied forms of corruption on the government's
efficacy in running the state's and society's affairs, and on
various economic, trade, environmental, educational, cultural,
intellectual, and social activities;
How serious and capable the ruling authorities are to combat
corruption and put an end to the mafias of corruption in the
The necessity to have a wide-range alliance of civil society
organizations to fight corruption, expose the 'mafias' of
corruption, and prosecuting them with all possible means inside the
country and abroad.
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